30 október 2007
29 október 2007
Trendy v nahrávacom priemysle
Áno, už sa chvíľu zdalo, že CD (a hlavne kazety!) zabijú vinylové platne, ale nie, vlastne teraz MP3 prehrávače zabijú cédečka a oživia vinyl.
25 október 2007
Povinné zmluvné poistenie (teleshopping)
Áno, áno, aj sme.sk musí z niečoho žiť, ale táto služba je nielen komerčná, ale najmä naozaj užitočná, aj keď sa rozhodnete poistiť inak: na poistenie.sme.sk si môžete vypočítať cenu za povinné zmluvné poistenie auta vo všetkých poisťovniach (a potom prípadne uzavrieť celú poistku cez web). Zmysel to bude mať od budúceho týždňa, keď budú zverejnené ceny pre budúci rok.
23 október 2007
To by ma zaujímalo, kto bude prvý človek, ktorého ja poznám, ktorý sa objaví na slovenskej wikipedii. Alebo nie nie, vlastne by ma zaujímalo kto bude človek ktorého poznám ktorý tam zaradí mňa!
"It can be an unpleasant experience if ... it gets deleted because the (community) decides you aren't important enough," said Wales.
"It can be an unpleasant experience if ... it gets deleted because the (community) decides you aren't important enough," said Wales.
21 október 2007
Cestovka roka
Radi lietate na dovolenku, ale máte málo času? Indická cestovka ponúka inovatívny produkt: zájazd, pri ktorom si zaplatíte len možnosť nastúpiť do lietadla, vypočuť si bezpečnostné hlásenia, pozrieť letušky.... a hneď potom vás vysadia naspäť na zem bez toho, aby ste niekam leteli. Stojí to len sto korún.
“I see planes passing all day long over my roof,” Selim, a 40-year-old tyre mechanic was quoted as saying. “I had to try out the experience.”
“I see planes passing all day long over my roof,” Selim, a 40-year-old tyre mechanic was quoted as saying. “I had to try out the experience.”
Google - najbližších 300 rokov
Timesy videli budúcnosť Google... a behá z nej mráz po chrbte.
"Google’s overall goal is to have a record of every e-mail we have ever written, every contact whose details we have recorded, every file we have created, every picture we have taken and saved, every appointment we have made, every website we have visited, every search query we have typed into its home page, every ad we have clicked on, and everything we have bought online. It wants to know and record where we have been and, thanks to our search history of airlines, car-hire firms and MapQuest, where we are going in the future and when.
This would not just make Google the largest, most powerful super-computer ever; it would make it the most powerful institution in history. "
"Google’s overall goal is to have a record of every e-mail we have ever written, every contact whose details we have recorded, every file we have created, every picture we have taken and saved, every appointment we have made, every website we have visited, every search query we have typed into its home page, every ad we have clicked on, and everything we have bought online. It wants to know and record where we have been and, thanks to our search history of airlines, car-hire firms and MapQuest, where we are going in the future and when.
This would not just make Google the largest, most powerful super-computer ever; it would make it the most powerful institution in history. "
18 október 2007
Sú bohatí šťastnejší?
Money & Happiness: Psychologists have spent decades studying the relation between wealth and happiness and they have generally concluded that wealth increases human happiness when it lifts people out of abject poverty and into the middle class but that it does little to increase happiness thereafter."
16 október 2007
Optimalizovaný Google
Dávno som už žiadnemu čitateľov neodpísal tak podráždene, ako keď ma nedávno jeden chytrák žiadal, aby sme napísali v SME (!) o jeho stránke, ktorej jediným zmyslom je ponúkať výmenu odkazov medzi webmi, inými slovami, odrbávať vyhľadávače a znepríjemňovať ľuďom všetkým, ktorí hľadajú užitočný obsah a nie stránky, ktoré robia chytráci.
O nadmernej pozornosti venovanej SEO si tiež myslím asi toto.
O nadmernej pozornosti venovanej SEO si tiež myslím asi toto.
14 október 2007
Nigéria odmietla udeliť víza Billovi Gatesovi, pretože "nepredložil dôkaz, že nehodlá v krajine zostať a nebude záťažou pre jej sociálny systém".
Z diskusií:
- For a moment I wondered if Microsoft was trying to do something about 419 scams.
-- Actually it was. Bill Gates was trying to go there to personally pick up his 10 mill for helping some one transfer money out of the country.
- Wonder if he'll still be a billionaire when he leaves Nigeria.
-A friend of a friend is entering Australia for an extended work contract, and the immigration official asks him if he has ever been convicted of a crime in his country of origin. He replied, "I didn't realize that was still a requirement for entry."
- My Dad was once going to the States from Canada. The border guard asked him if he was carrying firearms. He replied, "My God, is it really that bad here? Do you seriously recommend it?"
- a najlepší:
Dear friend,
This letter might come to you as a surprise as we have not met
before,but I believe that you would be compelled to help me after
going through the contents of this letter.
My name is William Henry Gates III, borned October 28, 1955. I am a
American entrepreneur, philantropist and chairman of Microsoft,
a american software companny.
Basically, I was involved in maintaining my statusquo as the richest
man in the world until August (2007), when a Mexican bilionaire called
Carlos Slim surpassed my wealthy in (1) billion american
dolars. He (Carlos Slim) did not stop at that; he also went on to
afirm that his monopoly would be larger than mine.
As at this momemt, I have grudgingly gone to Nigeria, in disguise, to
undertake seizure of a hiden part of my fortune, totalling an extra USD
$28,750,000,000 (twenty eight billion, seven hundred and fifty million
United State Dolars) that I obtained from several russian organizations
for facilitating scams, trojans and keyloggers business in Windows(tm)
systems. However, since I must fake otherwise, I can only
unlock the money in the local branch of my bank in Abuja, but I cannot
take the money back with me.
Hopefully, however, I can use the services of a Diplomatic Courier to move
this money (registered as official docments) out of Nigeria to America.
All you need to do is to claim this money from the Courier Company. You will
be required to contact the Courier Company that moved this money (oficial
documents) out of Nigeria to America. All neccesaries which can facilitate
andn enable you claim the money on my behalf will be forwarded to you as
soon as your consent to procced is received.
For your assistance, you will be entitled to 20% of the total sum. This is
over US $5,000,000,000 (five billion United State Dolars) for you, my friend.
Can you help me? Are you trustworthy? Can you handle this money? Are
you capable of handling this money? If so, please contact me.
I will send instructions on how you must make a (symbolic) small initial
deposit by Western Union or MoneyGram (at your personal choice) to the Courier
company which will be promptly returned to you, just to prove that you have
a working bank account that can receive the aforementioned large sum of money.
Please send me your account details and address so that we can make this
whole transaction as quick as possible.
Your sincerely,
Mr. William Henry Gates (the third)
Z diskusií:
- For a moment I wondered if Microsoft was trying to do something about 419 scams.
-- Actually it was. Bill Gates was trying to go there to personally pick up his 10 mill for helping some one transfer money out of the country.
- Wonder if he'll still be a billionaire when he leaves Nigeria.
-A friend of a friend is entering Australia for an extended work contract, and the immigration official asks him if he has ever been convicted of a crime in his country of origin. He replied, "I didn't realize that was still a requirement for entry."
- My Dad was once going to the States from Canada. The border guard asked him if he was carrying firearms. He replied, "My God, is it really that bad here? Do you seriously recommend it?"
- a najlepší:
Dear friend,
This letter might come to you as a surprise as we have not met
before,but I believe that you would be compelled to help me after
going through the contents of this letter.
My name is William Henry Gates III, borned October 28, 1955. I am a
American entrepreneur, philantropist and chairman of Microsoft,
a american software companny.
Basically, I was involved in maintaining my statusquo as the richest
man in the world until August (2007), when a Mexican bilionaire called
Carlos Slim surpassed my wealthy in (1) billion american
dolars. He (Carlos Slim) did not stop at that; he also went on to
afirm that his monopoly would be larger than mine.
As at this momemt, I have grudgingly gone to Nigeria, in disguise, to
undertake seizure of a hiden part of my fortune, totalling an extra USD
$28,750,000,000 (twenty eight billion, seven hundred and fifty million
United State Dolars) that I obtained from several russian organizations
for facilitating scams, trojans and keyloggers business in Windows(tm)
systems. However, since I must fake otherwise, I can only
unlock the money in the local branch of my bank in Abuja, but I cannot
take the money back with me.
Hopefully, however, I can use the services of a Diplomatic Courier to move
this money (registered as official docments) out of Nigeria to America.
All you need to do is to claim this money from the Courier Company. You will
be required to contact the Courier Company that moved this money (oficial
documents) out of Nigeria to America. All neccesaries which can facilitate
andn enable you claim the money on my behalf will be forwarded to you as
soon as your consent to procced is received.
For your assistance, you will be entitled to 20% of the total sum. This is
over US $5,000,000,000 (five billion United State Dolars) for you, my friend.
Can you help me? Are you trustworthy? Can you handle this money? Are
you capable of handling this money? If so, please contact me.
I will send instructions on how you must make a (symbolic) small initial
deposit by Western Union or MoneyGram (at your personal choice) to the Courier
company which will be promptly returned to you, just to prove that you have
a working bank account that can receive the aforementioned large sum of money.
Please send me your account details and address so that we can make this
whole transaction as quick as possible.
Your sincerely,
Mr. William Henry Gates (the third)
Medicínsky problém
Čo spravíte, ak ste zubár a 27 pacientok vás žaluje, že ste im počas ošetrovania ohmatávali prsia? Americký zubár Mark Anderson na to ide naozaj dobre, keď sa pokúša presadiť, aby bola masáž prsníkov v USA akceptovaná ako povolená liečebná metóda pre liečbu niektorých problémov s čeľusťou.
12 október 2007
Vreckové krádeže - praktický návod
Internet rozširuje naše obzory.
One member of a pickpocket team might yell out "Somebody just stole my wallet!" in a crowded subway station. Most people's automatic reaction is to make sure they still have their own wallet and valuables, so they'll pat whatever pocket it's in. This makes the pickpockets' job a lot easier -- it shows them exactly where to look.
One member of a pickpocket team might yell out "Somebody just stole my wallet!" in a crowded subway station. Most people's automatic reaction is to make sure they still have their own wallet and valuables, so they'll pat whatever pocket it's in. This makes the pickpockets' job a lot easier -- it shows them exactly where to look.
09 október 2007
Nové číslo polície - vážne
V Bratislave prestalo fungovať tiesňové číslo 158 a namiesto neho polícia odporúča volať 0961021570, 0961021590 alebo 0961011111. Prípadne skúste staré známe 01189998819991197253.
08 október 2007
Motivačná stránka na dnešný deň
Čo už dokázali vo vašom veku iní ľudia, zatiaľ čo vy bezcieľne blúdite internetom a klikáte na nezmysly?
07 október 2007
06 október 2007
Čitateľský denník: The Black Swan
Dočítal som výbornú knihu Made to Stick a pustil som sa do rovnako výborne vyzerajúcej Čiernej labute. Čierne labute sú neočakávané udalosti v histórii, ktoré radikálne menia chod sveta. Kniha je o.i. o tom, že budúcnosť je v princípe absolútne nepredvídateľná, pretože ju formujú samé čierne labute - zábavné je to, že vopred ich nikdy nevieme predpovedať, ale spätne vždy vysvetlíme, že sa vlastne dali čakať.
Napríklad: v učebniciach dejepisu sa dočítate, že druhá svetová vojna bola dôsledkom rastúcej moci Hitlera, sociálnej nerovnosti v nemeckej spoločnosti, a že napätie pred ňou neustále rástlo, až sa stala nevyhnutnou. V záznamoch ľudí z toho obdobia však nič také nie je - vojna sa v čase, kedy už podľa dnešného pohľadu bola "nevyhnutná", zdala všetkým súčasníkom absolútne vylúčená.
Ešte jedna milá ukážka o tom, ako bizarne rámcujeme vlastné politické názory do vopred daných kategórií ľavica/pravica:
"Najbližšie keď Zem navštívi Marťan, skúste mu vysvetliť, prečo tí čo čo sú za povolenie potratov sú zároveň proti trestu smrti. Alebo prečo sa očakáva, že tí čo by povolili potraty sú za vyššie dane, ale proti silnejšej armáde. A prečo musia byť ľudia, ktorí sú za sexuálne slobody, proti ekonomickej slobode?"
Napríklad: v učebniciach dejepisu sa dočítate, že druhá svetová vojna bola dôsledkom rastúcej moci Hitlera, sociálnej nerovnosti v nemeckej spoločnosti, a že napätie pred ňou neustále rástlo, až sa stala nevyhnutnou. V záznamoch ľudí z toho obdobia však nič také nie je - vojna sa v čase, kedy už podľa dnešného pohľadu bola "nevyhnutná", zdala všetkým súčasníkom absolútne vylúčená.
Ešte jedna milá ukážka o tom, ako bizarne rámcujeme vlastné politické názory do vopred daných kategórií ľavica/pravica:
"Najbližšie keď Zem navštívi Marťan, skúste mu vysvetliť, prečo tí čo čo sú za povolenie potratov sú zároveň proti trestu smrti. Alebo prečo sa očakáva, že tí čo by povolili potraty sú za vyššie dane, ale proti silnejšej armáde. A prečo musia byť ľudia, ktorí sú za sexuálne slobody, proti ekonomickej slobode?"
05 október 2007
Právo na život
Viem, že už to každého otravuje, ale predsa ešte jedno zhrnutie kauzy billboardové potraty.
03 október 2007
02 október 2007
Kto by nemal rád štatistiku?
V hotelových izbách, kde je k dispozícii aj pornokanál, tvoria výpožičky porna 2/3 všetkých pozeraných filmov. A priemerný čas pozerania jedného zaplateného filmu je 12 minút. Hm :)